NUMT Needs Your Help!
Northwestern Mock Trial is a team of 35 students that compete at a national level against other universities around the country. We’ve brought home awards for having some of the best individual competitors in the country, and ranked TOP-10 at nationals FIVE TIMES in a row. We’ve sent many of our own on to go to some of the top law schools in the nation, including Harvard Law.
And we need your help.
Mock trial is an expensive activity — we have to register our teams, purchase and print materials, register for tournaments, drive or fly to tournaments, and pay for hotels at tournaments — but we are committed to making sure financial accessibility isn’t a barrier for anyone on our program.
If you could consider donating to our program, it would be so greatly appreciated. Your donation will help us reimburse members for travel to tournaments, purchase the materials we need to compete, and pay the registration fees to be able to accept invitations to the top tournaments across the country. Every cent goes back towards keeping our teams on the road and preparing for nationals and making sure this program is a home to everyone, regardless of income.
Click "Donate" to access our PayPal page, where you can donate with a debit/credit card or a PayPal account. If you have questions about your donation or other donation options, please email
Sponsorship information
Are you a local business, law firm, or testing service looking to support one of the top mock trial teams in the nation and publicize your business to hundreds of mock trial participants across the country?
For a $250 donation, you will be designated a "1-Star Sponsor" and your logo will be published on our website and in our tournament packet to be seen by hundreds of college mock trial participants and judges.
For a $500 donation, you will be designated a “3-Star Sponsor and along with having your logo on our website and tournament packet, we will also include any advertisement or promotion you wish to publish.
For $750, you will be designated a “5-Star Sponsor." Along with the benefits of being a 1- and 3-Star Sponsor, our program will post your advertisement or promotion on our Instagram and create a highlight to be seen by our almost 300 followers of fellow collegiate mock trial programs across the country. You’ll also have the opportunity to either speak, play an advertisement, or have an award named after you at the closing ceremony of our Mock at the Rock Invitational, where you’ll reach undergraduate students from the top mock trial programs across the nation.
If you are interested in sponsoring our team? Contact our Fundraising Chair directly at!
Thank you to our 2020-2021 Sponsors!
5-Star sponsors:
The Princeton Review
For more than 35 years, students and their families have trusted The Princeton Review to help them get into their dream schools. Our mission is to provide personalized, innovative, best-in-class private tutoring, test prep, admission products and resources to help students knock down barriers and achieve their academic goals.
For your inquiries and questions about LSAT & GRE Prep Options & Resources;
Irem Tanyel
Business Development Manager/Outreach Specialist – Graduate Programs
Illinois & Wisconsin
The Princeton Review
Thank you also to our generous donors!
Gillian Pringle - $50, Julie Seagraves, Kathleen McGinnis - $50, Laura Manley - $50, Anne Hayner - $100, Katie Onsager, Jack Stucky, Deana Curtin - $50, Carlyn Zuckert - $15, Stephanie Hong, Becky Smith - $20, Kathleen Briggs - $50, Ingrid Van Dril, Kevin Ringel, Izzabelle Murillo, Nat Warner - $15, Kris Miner - $70, Kirk Smith - $50, Anne Walther, Sarah Miller - $50, Breachael Walker - $50, Joy Holden - $100, Ronell Starr - $200, Kitty Carr, Adam Selcov - $10, Sholeh Vaziri - $50, Katharine Cusick - $30, David Hines - $20, El Paul Pomerantz
William Fogleman - $100, Russell Biles - $75, Ingrid Van Dril - $100, Cindy and Steve Welch - $100 - "So proud of you guys", Joanne Wolfe - $100, Anne Hayner - $100 - "Looking forward to watching the NUMT Magic in Minneapolis!", Wendy Wolfe - $50, Phyllis Givertz - $100, Fibula Jewelry and Gallery, Inc - $20, Oliver Mitchell-Boyask - $10, Lorna Vogt - $50 - "Keep up the good work, we're hoping for a successful trip!", Stephanie Hong - $50, Jill Cross - $100, Caraline Gammons - $5 - "You better win", Melissa Osborn - $60 - "In honor of Afnan Elsheikh", Carolyn Mark - $100, Mary Felder - $50 - "Love you all!!", Traci Lucien - $50, Benjamin Pabst - $30 - "Go U!"
Benjamin Pabst, Traci Lucien, Mary Felder, Carolyn Mark, Melissa Osborn, Jill Cross, Stephanie Hong, Lorna Vogt, Oliver Mitchell-Boyask, Fibula Jewelry and Gallery, Phyllis Givertz, Wendy Wolfe, Anne Hayner, Joanne Wolfe, The Dhuri Family, Cynthia and Steve Welch, Ingrid Van Dril, Russell Biukesm William Fogleman, and Caraline Gammons