Does NUMT have financial dues?

Yes. Based on the state of competition, financial dues may be between $50 to $150.

When we’re competing in person, members can additionally expect to pay for any plane tickets to tournaments, food during tournaments, and ground transportation during tournaments (like taking an Uber to get dinner).

However, the program has a robust reimbursement process and our program treasurer will work with you to make sure that finances are never a barrier to your participation. Typically, our program can assist with paying for expenses — including dues — to the percentage of financial aid you receive. For example, if the university covers 100% of the cost of your tuition, NUMT will reimburse you 100% of the costs of your membership.

For any questions about reimbursement or costs, you can contact our treasurer Eshaan Chandani at or contact us at any of the social media links below.